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The Deeds Of The Body Are...
November 27, 2016
Many believers never come to the place spoken of in Romans 8. That place of mortifying (putting to death) the deeds of the body. In this lesson we discover where in our body those deeds originate from and how to kill them. The body of Christ needs to rise abov
Turning Suffering Into Vi...
November 27, 2016
God has a plan of victory for you, but winning starts with fighting the right battle. When you pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit directs you to where the real fight is. This outward body we live in has its own plans, deeds, and desires that need to be mortified
Praying in Tongues Builds...
November 27, 2016
Where can we find a true picture of God? A true picture of ourselves? The Holy Spirit was sent for this very purpose: to be your Teacher. The moment you are saved the image of God is within you. Praying in tongues helps bring forth this image as we allow the H