Alan Taylor’s Biography
Alan’s uncompromising way of teaching God’s Word in depth and with revelation, yet simple enough that anyone can understand, make his messages enlightening and life changing. His teachings rivet your attention with his deeply rooted Biblical convictions and an ability to communicate the Gospel with power, signs and wonders following.
His upbringing
Alan Taylor is originally from Alberta, Canada and began his ministry there at the age of 19. He has received his Bachelors of Ministry from the National Church of God and his Doctorate of Ministry from New Life Bible College, he is also ordained under Dave Roberson Ministries. For several years Alan traveled with and served Dr. Norvel Hayes, including managing his ministry, Bible College and sitting on his board of directors. Alan currently resides in Tulsa, OK with his lovely wife Christy and two children, Harrison and Ava. His evangelistic ministry takes him and his family throughout the US and to many other countries.
Alan has a passion to see people fulfill their call and fall in love with God. His heart of compassion to turn people to God is unquestionably revealed through the commitment of his everyday lifestyle as well as his ministry. His services are filled with a presence of God’s peace that touches the lives of even the hardest heart. He has the capacity to connect with people from all backgrounds and cultures with a combination of the healing power of God and the teaching of the Word. He is a big believer that the healing power of God must be demonstrated not only in the church but outside of its four walls. God’s desire is to equip every believer to walk in His power and to have victory in their personal life.