Straight Talk - Young Girls
#1 Friends
The Bible says bad company corrupts good character, yet we desperately look for acceptance in friendships. Listen as we share our experiences and what we’ve learned about the vital role of Godly friendships.
#2 Dating (Part1)
To date or not to date…how to date…who to date…dating in relation to achieving a Godly marriage – there are lots of questions when it comes to dating. Here are some life lessons that will hopefully give you wisdom and save you some heartache.
#3 Dating (Part2)
We couldn’t fit in everything we wanted to say in one session. Be sure to listen to this one too!!
#4 Forgiveness
Forgiving yourself and forgiving others is vital to your relationship with God. Combat the enemy’s tactics to bind you in condemnation and bitterness by understanding God’s love.
#5 Parents and Family
Regardless of what kind of home or family you have – there is love to receive and wisdom to learn from your family. Your family will be there when everyone else is gone. Learn to value what you have, to be used as a intercessor, and how to ultimately depend on God.
#6 Self-Worth
Our self worth comes from finding our value in God. Many of us struggle with our self-worth, comparing ourselves to others and feeling that we come up lacking. Though we aren’t born with equal talents and abilities, at the second birth we were created equal and our potential in God is limitless.
#7 Wisdom
There are two ways to learn – One way is by your own mistakes, but the 2nd and best way is to learn from someone else’s mistakes. That is wisdom. God has also given us tools to help us increase in wisdom. Learn how to apply these tools in your life, and save yourself some time by taking note of some of the wisdom God has taught us over the years.