For those of us who are striving to take up our cross each day, and follow Jesus, the matter of friendship can be a cause for concern. How are we to discern who are truly our friends? Which friends will be a help to us, and which friends need to be set aside, as we press forward into God’s will? These, and many more questions, are answered in this series of teachings.
What gives us a right to be in the family of God? A rescue plan for mankind – a plan thousands of years in the making – made a way for us to receive the nature of Christ! He is faithful. God’s promises are always true!
Each of us has a specific and individual place in the body of Christ. As you follow the Lord you will discover who you are in Him and grow into your place in the body. As each of us fulfills our callings, the body edifies itself in love with the nourishment wh
We who have been born again, have been born into the family of God! Our Father’s desire is that we learn to live together as family, with our hearts knit together in love, in the unity of the Spirit. As you listen to this series you will learn how we can